Partners with Mid-South Weather

Never base important decisions on this or any weather information obtained from a non-NWS site!

Last update:  Apr 26, 2024, 3:16 am CDT


We share data with these Partners

In the world of weather stations there is a lot of cooperation and exchange of information. Below is a random, and not exhaustive, list of commercial organizations and associations where Mid-South Weather may share data. This station shares our data on these websites, if the first few words of each paragraph appear as a link. The organization’s website can be reached by clicking on their logo. Mid-South weather at that partner‘s site can be seen by using the text link  at the very beginning of the partner’s description.


AWEKAS is an acronym for Automatisches WEtter KArten System (= automatic weather map system) and is, as the name suggests, a system which produces overview maps from the weather data provided by participating private weather stations.

The data is made available to AWEKAS by the weather station operators who upload a small text or CSV file to their own website. AWEKAS then collects this data automatically, and processes it to provide up-to-date maps.

AWEKAS works automatically and provides every second current maps about temperature, wind, precipitation, barometric pressure, and maps with current weather conditions and weather warnings.

View our data on Citizen Weather Observer Program (CWOP)

CWOP is a group of ham radio operators and other private citizens mostly around the USA that have volunteered the use of their weather data for education, research and use by interested parties.

It is a public-private partnership with three main goals:

  • to collect weather data contributed by citizens;
  • to make these data available for weather services and homeland security; and
  • to provide feedback to the data contributors so that they have the tools to check and improve their data quality.

In fact, the web address,, stands for weather quality assurance.

View our data on PWS Weather in another tab or page

PWS Weather® (associated with HAMweather and WeatherForYou) is a group of companies providing millions of forecasts through the main site every month, images (or Weather Snapshots) for tens of thousands of web sites around the world and full custom-branded weather pages for other web sites designed to match their look. Over ten thousand stations are now registered to participate in the personal weather station program, now known as

View our data on in another tab or page

Weathercloud ® is a real-time weather social network formed by more than 4,500 weather observers from around the world. It is based in the European Union, is available in 10 languages, including English, and has very nice graphics. Our data is available as one of the icons on the map page at Hover your mouse over the icon near Germantwon/Collierville to see our data display.

Link to UK Metoffice

UK Metoffice - “The Weather Observations Website” reflects recent advances in technology and how weather observations can be made. At the same time, the growing world of social networking online makes it relatively easy for anyone to get involved and share their weather observations. The Met Office is helping to co-ordinate the growth of the weather observing community in the UK, by asking anyone to submit the observations they are taking. This can be done using all levels of equipment, so there are no cost restrictions.

Our data on Weather

Weather Underground ® is probably the “most well known” cooperation between personal weather stations. Originally from the USA but they is now providing free, real-time online weather information to millions of Web users around the world. They are committed to delivering the most reliable, accurate weather information possible. Their state-of-the-art technology monitors conditions and forecasts for locations across the world.